Virtual Writing Tutor is a website created by a teacher who thought correcting students essays was taking a long time, and learners shouldn't wait such long times to see their essay marks. The essay scoring is made by an AI with the help of Latent Essay Feature Analysis (LEFA) which detects what a great essay is made of and, Model Essay Proximity Scoring (MEPS) that compares the LEFA with students' essay and find out how close the students essay to the model essays. The developer says the AI is still developing so some errors are expected, yet developer adds that because the system gives valuable tips , it still helps students to progress. There are many student levels, and if the learner does not know their level, they can add an essay to find out their proficiency levels. The site can be used for various goals, such as CEFR, IELTS, TOEFL, or CEGEP ESL. The site provides word counter; spell, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, target structure, paraphrase...